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Find out which organizations are monitoring you on Facebook and block them! [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook has become a special part of our daily life. But recently Facebook is bringing us to our friends and family just like our various information is going to the advertising agency!


On Facebook, users share their information, likes, interests and phone numbers. However, if a user wants no one to know the personal information of users, Facebook hides it. But we use different apps at different times when using Facebook. When using these apps, we allow those apps to view our profile and personal information. With our permission, these apps sell our information to various advertising agencies!

Are you surprised to hear this? Yes, it is surprising. No one wants their personal information to be used or sold by others. So today we will see in our tutorial how you can control these apps and block the suspicious ones.

1) First you go to the settings section of your Facebook account.


2) Now click on Settings icon there.

3) Now Facebook will show you the apps you use. There you can see all apps by clicking on All Apps section.


4) For each app you will see Edit and a cross sign next to it on the right. If you edit, you can see what kind of personal information those specific apps can access.


5) If you feel that this app is not causing you any problem and you want to use it, then leave it as it is.


6) But if you think there is an app that is unnecessary for you and you don't know what information this app is taking from you. Then if you click on edit, you will see if the app is only taking your like or interest related information or collecting all your information i.e. basic information. Collecting basic information means that this app has access to everything about you. All you need to do is to remove this app by clicking on the Remove App section. Then it can no longer access or steal any of your information.

All Facebook users should keep their Facebook account safe from unwanted apps as described above. In addition to account security, users' personal information will also be safe.

Source: The Tech Journal

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