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Your Facebook password can be stolen in all those ways!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone has an account on Facebook, Facebook is currently the most popular site in the world. However, with the popularity of Facebook, users' accounts have become unsafe. Today we will know what mistakes can be made to lose your favorite Facebook account password!


Facebook email account and password are the most important thing if any of them goes into the hands of a third party, you can give up hope of your Facebook ID. So we all should know that our Facebook ID password can be controlled by someone else if we do something.

1) Account Phishing

In this process the hacker fools you directly. Either way the hacker will send you links in different ways. Maybe in a Facebook message or in your email. These links come exactly like notifications from Facebook. Users do not understand that these are not from Facebook. Even if they click on the link, they come to a site that looks exactly like Facebook. This is called a phisher web. Although it looks exactly like a web site, it is not. As a result, if you log in as Facebook, you will lose your ID.

2) Logging into a public computer

There are many people who usually run Facebook on mobile. Kale Bhadre sits on the computer to solve various problems. In these cases, special caution is for those who go to public computers such as cyber cafes where you often log in and forget that your account is logged in. Or many people don't notice the remember password when logging in, because of this, someone else can hack into your account without your knowledge.

3) Facebook app

There are various apps on Facebook, you should always be careful when using these apps. When you use these apps, without knowing it, you provide various information including your email account password to these apps. Which in many cases they sell to various advertising agencies. There are many examples of losing your account by using these Facebook apps.

4) Website share button

There are all websites and some personal websites where clicking share button is very risky. Because basically, even if you click on the option to share pictures on the third party web site, sometimes your account and password can be hacked.

5) Social fake friendship

Many times it is seen that the hacker disguises himself and builds a good relationship with you and collects various information about you on Facebook. At some point sends you a link to your inbox. If you simply click on these links, your secret password and email will go to the hacker.


So be careful! Think twice before doing any of the above. Comment if you have any questions.

Source: Supportivehands, Wonderhowto

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