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Users are urged to take an urgent update of Adobe Flash Player!

The Dhaka Times Desk Adobe Flash is a popular software of Adobe. But recently some important errors appeared in Flash, ADB said they have released a new update of Adobe Flash. Adobe also urges all Adobe Flash users to update their software.


of Adobe Flash Windows, Mac And Linux Special errors have been observed in these running versions. As a result, Adobe has brought special updates to their Flash keeping users in mind.

Windows and Mac users using Adobe Flash must get the new update. Also, for Linux users who are using or earlier, the latest version is required.

Let's see in which cases Adobe Flash update must be accepted:

1) Windows users using Adobe Flash Player or earlier must update to Adobe Flash Player

2) Linux users using Adobe Flash Player version must update to Adobe Flash Player

3) Adobe Flash Player will automatically update to for Windows, Mac, Linux operating systems for those using Google Chrome browser.

4) Adobe Flash update will come automatically for Internet Explorer 10 and 11 on Windows 8.1.

Basically if you don't want that much hassle then go straight on the Adobe site And download and install the flash player update from there for your machine. In this case, there will be no problem with the information of any browser or operating system you are using.

Source: Adobe, The Tech Journal

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