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Jatiya Party reserved female MP final: Ershad and Roshan equal!

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the discussion about Ershad and Roshan. However, after becoming the leader of the opposition party, Roshan's value also increased. Now Ershad and Roshan are equal in Jatiya Party.


Candidature with reserved women's seat has been finalized. It has been decided that out of 6 seats, Ershad can give 3 seats and Roshan 3 seats to the people of their choice. Many are calling it Ershad Roshan's 3 by 3 draw.

Ershad's favorite 3 people are:- Marina Rahman, Mahjabin Morshed (Chittagong), Shahanara Begum (Rangpur). Among them, Marina Rahman is Ershad's younger sister. And Roshan's favorite 3 people are - party presidium member Noor-e-Hasna Lily Chowdhury, Chairman's advisor Roashara Mannan and Cox's Bazar Khorsedara Haque.

It is assumed that these 6 people will represent the reserved seats as female MPs from the Jatiya Party in the 10th National Parliament. But beyond this, many others have datbir for reserved women's seats. But in the end, it is known from a source of Jatiya Party that they are getting the final nomination.

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