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Missing Malaysian plane: search finds more new objects: the plane was overspeeding!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although the mystery of the Malaysian plane's disappearance is not completely solved, satellites are finding one object after another. Some more such objects were also found yesterday Friday. However, the researchers believe that the plane was moving at excessive speed.

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The Royal New Zealand Air Force's Orion aircraft explorers have identified multiple objects in new areas in the Indian Ocean, media reported. The Australian authorities gave this information in a statement after searching for possible wreckage yesterday Friday. However, it is not yet confirmed that the object belongs to the missing plane. Analysis of the satellite data shows that the aircraft went at higher speeds, which is why it is believed to have been able to cover less distance using more fuel.

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Australian and Malaysian authorities said on Friday that the search is being shifted to a new location in the Indian Ocean due to 'credible information'. 5 aircraft identified multiple objects of different colors in the newly determined search area 1100 km northeast of the previous search area. A Chinese probe ship will continue to locate the objects on Saturday. At least 10 aircraft from 6 countries are expected to join the search.

Note that on March 8, Malaysia Airlines flight MH-370 from Kuala Lumpur disappeared with 239 passengers. The plane was going to Beijing.

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