The Dhaka Times
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New style of cheating Not only formalin, this time in the trap of thug fish sellers!

Dhaka Times Desk He has no idea how many more things he has to see from time to time. I have known for a long time that fishmongers have been tricking people with formalin but this time they have adopted a new style. And that is to deceive people by trapping them with light.
ধোঁকাবাজির নতুন স্টাইল ॥ শুধু ফরমালিন নয় এবার আলোর ফাঁদে ঠগবাজি মাছ বিক্রেতাদের! 1
The fishmongers are not only treated with formalin or any other adulterants. So fish traders are using innovative and technology-based techniques to cheat people. They are cheating the buyers by making light traps. So after buying shiny silver fish and returning home, they are actually pale and rotten. So why was the market glittering here lies the main secret of fraud. The buyer stepped into the light trap in the fish shop. Traders use various techniques to make fish look more shiny and fresh
Electric lamps hanging overhead. Different colored paper is placed on top of those lamps. The fishes shine by reflecting the light of the paper. Again, not the same light is used for all types of fish. The color of the paper changes depending on the color of the fish. For example, a lamp hanging on a green fish has green paper on it. And on the silver type of fish there is a lamp wrapped in white paper! The distance between each one is only one to two feet. As these lights are lit one to two feet above the fish dish, the fish look bright and shiny. Lamps wrapped in different colored paper on top of different types of fish. Green lamp on top of shrimp plate. White on hilsa. Again, the lamp on the plate of fish such as ai, tengra, etc., is covered with yellow paper.

It is known that buyers are often caught in the fish market confused by this novel strategy of traders. Those who buy fish with less care are easily victims of this fraud. Roughly, if 50 such lamps are used in each market, millions of lamps are being used across the country. Precious electricity is also being wasted by keeping these lamps on all day for nefarious purposes. Again, the lamps used in the market are not energy efficient. Conventional lamps are being used, which consume a lot of electricity. The truth of these information was found by visiting different markets of the capital.

It is known that traders use some other tricks to make stale fish look fresh. One of them is color mixing. Yellow dye is added to Pershe and Tengra fish in particular. Sometimes masala yellow or basanti color is mixed. Basanti color is added if the fish is too rotten. The technique of adding salt or alum to fish water is old. These fish are washed with clean water immediately after coming to the market. That water contains alum or salt. Sometimes salt or alum is also used in the ice.

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