The Dhaka Times
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Car black glass: lawsuits against nearly 1,000 vehicles

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people did not obey the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs to change the black glass of the car by May 10. A case has been filed against at least 1000 vehicles from different points of the capital yesterday on May 11. About 100 cars have been impounded.

Car black glass

The Ministry of Home Affairs had fixed the deadline on May 10. But still many car owners did not follow that instruction. On May 11, raids were conducted at various points in the capital. A case was registered against 977 vehicles on the first day of these raids. On the other hand, 106 vehicles were seized. According to the instructions of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the campaign against black glass will continue.

It is to be noted that due to the recent increase in kidnapping incidents in the country, the Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an order to remove opaque glass or black glass in cars. Action was also taken against those who disobeyed the order.

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