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Remove rust from kitchen utensils very easily

The Dhaka Times Desk Among the materials used in our daily life, iron products are used more. Although the demand for plastic products has increased, the demand for iron products has not decreased. But the main problem of all these iron products used in household work is rust. Today we will present to the readers of The Dhaka Times how to rust-free all these metal products.


Natural oatmeal


Oatmeal is very effective in cleaning dirty spots. Also, one of the special qualities of oatmeal is that it can be used to clean rust. Oatmeal also works as an anti-septic. Clean the kitchen sink or other used iron materials with oatmeal and you will see it very shiny.

Tomato ketchup


If there is rust on kitchen utensils or black spots on iron or copper, add hot water and ketchup to remove it. Then rub with tarzali to remove the rust.

Club soda or baking soda

There is no substitute for club soda to clean the kitchen mess. Baking soda is very effective in removing everyday kitchen grime. The chemical content of soda is very effective in removing stains and rust.

Clean with rice

To clean the black marks or stains on the bottle, first add some hot water to it. Then add some rice to it. Now put the lid on the bottle and shake it very vigorously. You will see that the dirt inside the bottle is easily removed.

Black tea or boiled tea leaves


Apply cold black tea to the rusted areas of the bucket. After an hour, wipe it off with a dry cloth. Rust or stains on the bucket will disappear instantly. The antioxidants in the tea leaves react with the iron part of the rust to help remove it.

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