The Dhaka Times
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How Fuchka is made: it's your decision to eat or not!

The Dhaka Times Desk Fuchka is a very popular delicious South Asian delicacy. This food is popular almost everywhere in the urban areas of Bangladesh and India. In India it is called panipuri or golgappa but in Bangladesh it is called phuchka. Today we will try to see where and how this phuchka muchmuche phuchka is made.


There are few people who do not want to eat when they hear about fuchka. There are many people who want to eat even after seeing the picture of Fuchka. However, recently a TV search revealed that Mir Hazirbagh area is the main center of Fuchkar supply in Bangladesh.

Before eating any food outside, you can't think about how it is made and where it is, but when will you know? You will be amazed when you see the environment in which these foods are actually made. Because Bangladesh's most fuchkar challan comes from Mir Hazirbagh area! Fuchka is made here in all kinds of terrible ways. Here, the floor of the house is covered with foam, it is daytime and the children come from outside and run around the house on it.

Watch the video-

In the video, the reporter wants to know that you are making fuchka on the floor and going out like this, and coming from outside and going inside again with the same foot, is it healthy? In response to such questions it is said that we go out with shoes on and come out and wipe our feet and make kai!

Now understand! What you eat, how you eat and what taste you eat is your personal matter. But after watching this video, you have to decide whether to eat or not.

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