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7 Causes of Fast Aging

The Dhaka Times Desk সময় আপন গতিতে চলে। সময়ের সাথে বেড়ে চলে মানুষের বয়স। বয়স কিংবা সময়কে রোধ করার ক্ষমতা কারও নেই। বয়স যাই হোক সবাই চায় সারা জীবন তার যৌবনের দ্যুতি ছড়িয়ে যাক। কিন্তু আমাদেরই করা কিছু ভুল আমাদের দ্রুত বার্ধক্যের দিকে ঠেলে দেয়। অল্প বয়সে বুড়ো হতে না চাইলে নিচের দেওয়া ৭টি অভ্যাস সম্পর্কে জানুন। অতঃপর সিদ্ধান্ত নিন আপনি কি করবেন…


Excessive physical exertion:
Nowadays in this era of competition the work pressure of people has increased a lot. Besides, the tendency of us to work overtime has also increased in the hope of extra income. Excessive workload makes us mentally anxious. Besides, if the work pressure is high in the office, it is not easy to get up from the chair. We don't even eat or exercise properly. And this workload is pushing us towards fast aging.

Addiction to sweet food:
Many people have an addiction to sweet foods. But too much sugary food accumulates fat in the body and leaves wrinkles on the skin. Even this sweet food is the cause of various diseases. People who eat a lot of such food age quickly.

Eating fast food regularly:
To lead a healthy life, one needs to eat balanced, nutritious, healthy food. But the fast food items outside do not have a balanced diet, they are not even healthy. In this, the body does not get its necessary nutrients and the extra calories of the food make the body sick in many ways. People who consume more fast food age faster.


In these turbulent times of modern times, we are mentally disturbed due to various reasons. The extra pressure of work from family, society and even at workplace creates stress in us. Various studies prove that stress increases the tendency of aging in us.

Wake up at night
Do you have a habit of waking up at night? Various studies have shown that those who tend to wake up at night are more prone to wrinkles. Even mental anxiety arises in them.

Regular smoking causes premature graying of hair and wrinkling of the skin. According to the American Journal of Public Health, the life expectancy of regular smokers is about 8 years shorter than that of others and they age faster.


There are many of us who get angry very quickly. According to the Behavioral Journal, when a person is excessively angry, a type of hormone called cortisol is released from his body, which accelerates the aging process in our body.

These seven habits are sure to make you age longer. When that happens there will be nothing to do. So try to avoid these habits while you have time. It is not impossible to leave them if you are a little aware. A healthy, normal life is not to be prolonged but given a little concession.

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