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Several Arab countries prepare for airstrikes against IS

The Dhaka Times Desk After the death of Osama bin Laden, while Al Qaeda's activities have largely stagnated, IS has expanded its scope of operations around the world. In such a situation, some Arab states are preparing to participate in airstrikes against IS.

Arab state & Air attacks

The US has already announced and authorized airstrikes to counter IS. Several other Arab-state extremist groups have now offered to take part in airstrikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq. However, the media reported that the countries are in favor of participating in the military operation subject to the approval of the Iraqi government. Initial reports did not specify the names and number of countries interested in participating in the operation. Online BBC has given this news.

Arab state & Air attacks-2

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry said he was "very encouraged" by the promise of military support in the campaign against the extremist group. Kerry, who is visiting France after visiting several countries in the Middle East, is currently staying in Paris. France has organized an international conference today on the issue of security in Iraq and the fight against IS.

It should be noted that ISIS beheaded the American journalist and David Haynes, a British citizen and aid worker held hostage last Saturday. Another British national, Alan Henning, has also been threatened with death. That is why the IS has been identified as the biggest threat to the United Kingdom and the United States.

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