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Canada begins trial use of Ebola vaccine

The Dhaka Times Desk Ebola is the most dangerous and dangerous virus in the world. Concerns were spreading everywhere as there was no vaccine for this virus. This time, Canadian scientists claimed to have discovered a vaccine to control Ebola.


The name of this anti-virus against Ebola is VSV-Abo. Canadian scientists have been working to control this virus for a long time. Over the past few months, the world has panicked as Ebola has spiraled out of control. The concern was that there was no vaccine to control this virus. So fear increases among everyone.

Canadian scientists say they have discovered an antidote to control the virus, which has already been successfully applied to various animals. Currently, vaccines to combat the virus have been sent to various hospitals to be administered to Ebola patients.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization will test this anti-virus in African countries. For this purpose, the World Health Organization has sent 800 vaccines to Canadian inventors.

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The Canadian government has already allowed the manufacturer to market this anti-virus. It was discovered by Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory. This VSV-Abo vaccine requires special storage temperatures, and should be stored at minus 80 degrees Celsius or minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit, the inventors said.

It should be noted that there is no end to the fear of Ebola in the last few months, more than 4 thousand 447 people have died in this virus. In addition to several countries in Africa, patients with this virus have been found in America and Europe. Bangladesh is also not free from the outbreak of this virus.

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