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There will be a sensor with the drug, it can be caught without taking it!

Among the various discoveries of science, this can also be called a breakthrough discovery

The Dhaka Times Desk It is normal to take medicine if you are sick. But many people do not want to take medicine even if they are sick. Many people throw away the medicine again and say, I have eaten. But from now on that work can no longer be done. Because such a discovery has been made, it will have a sensor with the drug, it can be caught without eating!

ওষুধের সঙ্গেই থাকবে সেন্সর, না খেলেই ধরে ফেলা যাবে! 1

Among the various discoveries of science, this can also be called a breakthrough discovery. This is the first time a pill (tablet) has been approved for sale in the United States that will have a digestible sensor attached to it! By doing this, doctors can easily detect whether the patient has taken the medicine.

According to media reports, the tablet called abilipimaxite aripiprazole is used for mental disorders.

It is said that a patch will be implanted in the patient's body, which will know the action of this drug in the body. With the patient's permission, the information will also go to the doctor.

In this regard, experts say, due to which it will be possible to ensure the patient's medication intake. Inside this tablet is a sensor the size of a grain of sand, which will become active as soon as it comes into contact with gastric juice. That's why 30 minutes to 2 hours inside and out will tell whether the medicine has actually been consumed in the body or not!

ওষুধের সঙ্গেই থাকবে সেন্সর, না খেলেই ধরে ফেলা যাবে! 2

In this regard, US Food and Drug Administration official Mitchell Mattis said, if the drug consumption of psychiatric patients can be monitored, the process can be used for other patients as well. It is our belief that the application of technology for the benefit of patients and physicians will always be encouraged.

It should be noted that experts believe that the addition of this research will play a special role in the medical field.

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