The Dhaka Times
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Jamaat's hartal called in protest against the upholding of Kamaruzzaman's sentence is going on

The Dhaka Times Desk The strike called by Jamaat-e-Islami is going on. Today's hartal has been called in protest against Kamaruzzaman's death sentence.

Kamaruzzaman & Hartal

The Supreme Court upheld Kamaruzzaman's death sentence in its final verdict. And because this verdict is upheld, the Jamaat called today's hartal in protest.

The strike is going on all over the country. Public transport including minibuses, some private cars and CNG have been seen running in the capital Dhaka since morning. A lot more vehicles were seen moving than in the previous strike. Such a situation has been noticed by visiting various highways of the capital in the morning. However, the long-distance bus did not leave. No long distance bus departs from Gabtali Bus Terminal, Mohakhali, Sayedabad Bus Terminal. Almost all trains leave from Kamalapur station. The launch took off from the Sadarghat terminal, the aircraft flight took off as usual. Markets in the capital are closed but shops are open. No untoward incident has been reported till the time of writing this report.

But today's hartal of Jamaat is being celebrated very strictly in different parts of the country. Hartal called by Jamaat is being celebrated in various districts and upazila cities.

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