The Dhaka Times
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Kamaruzzaman's lawyer said, 'Decision on pardon to President after settlement of review'

The Dhaka Times Desk Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Kamaruzzaman's lawyer Shishir Monir said at the Jailgate after the meeting in Dhaka Central Jail, 'The decision on pardon will be taken by the President after the review is settled'.

Review & Kamaruzzaman

Jamaat-e-Islami Assistant Secretary General Kamaruzzaman's lawyer Shishir Monir, who was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity during the Liberation War in 1971, said that a decision will be taken to apologize to each state after Kamaruzzaman's review application is settled. He said this to the journalists in a briefing at around 11 am on Thursday after meeting with Kamaruzzaman in Dhaka Central Jail. Lawyer Shishir Monir also said that review petition is a constitutional right. Kamaruzzaman should be given this right.

After 10 o'clock today on Thursday 4 lawyers Advocate Moshiul Alam, Advocate Shishir Monir, Advocate SM Siddique and Advocate Matiur Rahman Akand went to the jail to meet Kamaruzzaman.

Notably, on May 9, 2013, the International Criminal Tribunal-II announced the death sentence against Jamaat's Assistant Secretary General Kamaruzzaman for crimes against humanity. The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence in the final judgment of the appeal on November 3.

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