The Dhaka Times
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Rana Plaza: Bones have been recovered from the rubble!

The Dhaka Times Desk People still haven't forgotten about the Rana Plaza tragedy. Bones were recovered from the ruins of that Rana Plaza. The bones were found yesterday Saturday afternoon. Along with the recovered bones, a wallet and a pair of pants were found along with a man's identity card.

Savar ruins

Bones were recovered from the rubble of the collapsed Rana Plaza in Savar near the capital on Saturday afternoon. Along with the recovered bones, a wallet and a pair of pants were found along with a man's identity card.

A few street children (tokai) rescued these while collecting abandoned goods from the rubble. On receiving the information, the police of Savar Model Police Station seized the recovered bones and took them to the police station.

According to eyewitness sources, around 5:30 pm, some street children went to collect rods and various types of abandoned goods from the rubble piled up behind the collapsed building. At this time, they collected 15 bones from different parts of the body, including parts of the hands, feet and face. After informing the local people about the matter, they informed the Savar police station. On receiving the information, the police went to the spot and seized the pants and wallet along with the bones and brought them to the police station.

Talking to some street children, it is known that many more bones are buried under the rubble. Due to police trouble, they do not dare to retrieve those bones. However, if there is no police, they take the opportunity to recover the bones and inform the people and cover up.

Majed Mollah, a worker who worked in a garment factory in Rana Plaza, told the media, 'A national identity card was found in the pocket of the pants with the recovered bones. That identity card belongs to a person named Jewel from Gangni upazila of Meherpur.

Savar ruins-2
Photo taken after Rana Plaza building collapse

Majed Molra's wife Erina Begum also worked in a factory in the collapsed Rana Plaza. His body was not found. Many workers are still missing, as is his wife. Their bones or skeletons are buried under the rubble. Majed Molla thinks that all the bones can be recovered if the government takes initiative or if the relatives give permission.

It is to be noted that last year on April 24, 2013, 1 thousand 134 workers were killed in the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Savar. Several thousand people were injured. Many people are still missing.

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