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Experimental use of discovered Ebola drug begins

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have already discovered drugs to prevent the most feared disease in the world, the Ebola virus. Experimental use of this Ebola drug discovery is starting soon.

experimental drugs & Ebola

According to the BBC, the international medical relief organization Medusa, or MSF, will soon start testing 3 new drugs against Ebola in some clinics in West Africa. Experts say that the first 14 days after contracting the disease are crucial.
So this time MSF doctors will use two anti-viral drugs and blood plasma from Ebola survivors to try to keep the new Ebola patients alive.

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MSF says they are participating in the trial in the belief that it will help them find a way to keep Ebola patients alive for a long time.

experimental drugs & Ebola-3

It should be noted that 5 thousand people died of Ebola in various countries of West Africa. Many people are still suffering from this disease. The death rate among Ebola patients is 50% to 80%.
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