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Now make a 143 megapixel camera from a scanner [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk We scan the image with the scanner. But it is possible to make a 143 megapixel camera from this scanner. Let's learn how to make a camera from a scanner.

Scanner Camera

A scanner is actually a large image sensor device. An Epson V30 series scanner is enough to make a medium-sized camera. You can keep this camera portable and tripod like any other camera.

The scanners we use work in high resolution. So turning a simple scanner into a high resolution camera is very easy. There is no need to make any special trouble for this. To do this, just open the scanner and do a little customization.

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In this case you have to make a box like a camera. The main board or mother board, sensor board, stepper motor should be taken out from the scanner and added to the box. Then make an internal light in the box. Which will work automatically. Because without this light the scanner will not work.

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Then connect the four-wire USB cable to the main board of the camera. This cable should be connected to the computer or laptop. That is, it is necessary to connect the computer with this camera to take pictures; Because the desired object to be photographed can be seen on the computer or laptop screen. Finally, a lens should be attached to the box. The image will be mainly taken through this lens.

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And with this kind of camera you can take high resolution i.e. 143 mega pixel pictures easily. This cannot be found in any other common professional camera.

One problem with this camera is that it can take anywhere from 15 seconds to as long as 5 minutes to take a picture with it. But in a normal camera, the picture is taken in seconds.

Again, due to the limited light sensitivity, taking pictures in the dark at night will also be a problem. Can't take pictures in the dark at night.

But no matter how many problems there are, the pictures you take with this scanner camera, you can't take the pictures even with lakhs of rupees cameras. Due to the high resolution, very perfect pictures can be taken in this camera. So you can also convert your scanner into a camera if you want.
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If you look at the two pictures above, you can understand how perfect the pictures taken by high resolution cameras can be

Check out some of the pictures taken with the camera made from the scanner. How perfect are the pictures
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