The Dhaka Times
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Breaking News: Legendary filmmaker Chashi Nazrul Islam passed away

The Dhaka Times Desk National Film Award and Ekushey Medalist legendary filmmaker Chashi Nazrul Islam passed away. He was suffering from incurable cancer for a long time.

filmmaker Chashi Najrul Islam Death

Noted filmmaker Chashi Nazrul Islam, who is on life support in the intensive care unit (ICU) of the capital's Lab Aid Hospital, has passed away to the land of no return (innalillahi wa ...rajeun). As his physical condition is critical, he was admitted to Lab Aid Hospital in the capital. He is on life support in the ICU. He was under treatment under the supervision of Akram Hossain.

This talented producer has been suffering from lung cancer for a long time. He was also treated abroad. On December 7 of last month, his physical condition deteriorated and he was admitted to the hospital. After several days of treatment, he was taken home again on December 17, when there was some improvement. On January 7, when his condition deteriorated again, he was brought to the ICU of LabAid Hospital.

Legendary filmmaker Chashi Nazrul Islam gained wide fame by making films on the Liberation War. In his death, the country lost a great producer. The Dhaka Times is deeply saddened by the death of this talented producer.

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