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21 Egypt's military retaliated against the IS base in the case of the beheading of Egyptian Christians

The Dhaka Times Desk The militant organization Islamic States (IS) this time beheaded 21 Egyptian Christians kidnapped. The militant group released a video on the night of February 15. After this incident, the Egyptian military counterattacked.

21 Egyptian Christians beheaded

According to the international media, the kidnapped 21 Egyptian Christian citizens were beheaded by the Islamic States. The militant group made this claim by releasing a video on the night of February 15. They released a video of 21 handcuffed Egyptians dressed in orange clothes being cut to death.

The title of the video reads, 'A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross'.

The militant group claimed that 'by beheading these 21 Egyptian Christians, they avenged the humiliation of Muslim women at the hands of Egyptian Christians.'

In January this year, the Libyan branch of IS kidnapped 21 Christians in two separate incidents, according to media reports.

Meanwhile, within a day of the release of a video of the Libyan Islamic State (IS) beheading 21 Egyptian Christians, Egyptian forces launched an airstrike on IS positions in the country. The Egyptian military said in a statement on Egyptian state television that these attacks were carried out early Monday morning. In these attacks, IS camps, training areas and weapons warehouses have been destroyed in Libya.

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