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IS now burned 43 Iraqis!

The Dhaka Times Desk The Islamic State IS is beheading those who stand against them one by one. But this time, IS burned 43 Iraqis.

43 Iraqis burn & ISO
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The Islamic State IS, known as a terrorist group that has influence in Iraq and Syria, has burned alive 43 Iraqis this time. According to media sources, the victims are residents of Iraq's Anbar province. About 70 people were burnt to death by IS militants in the last ten days.

Citing local provincial officials, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported that IS operatives captured the 43 people from a Sunni tribe named Albu Obayd in Al-Baghdadi city, 200 kilometers northwest of the capital Baghdad. The deceased are believed to be members of the local police or paramilitary Sahwa Fighters group. After the abduction, they were taken from IS-controlled towns. The detainees were then placed in an iron cage and burned alive.

It should be noted that for the past few days, IS militants have been attacking al-Baghdadi city and the adjacent Ain al-Assad air base at a large rate. Hundreds of US Navy personnel are stationed at this air base

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