The Dhaka Times Desk Abdul Quader will become a police officer if he can achieve another step. The student of Dhaka University was tortured by the police two years ago. Who wants to be a police officer? After the 33rd BCS prelims, Prana Rasayana student Quader also cleared the written exam. He has already expressed his desire to become a police officer through BCS. A total of 29 thousand 746 job aspirants participated in the written exam in this BCS. Out of this 18 thousand have passed. bdnews.
Quader said, 'Everyone including his mother is happy after seeing the results. After that incident (torture) he was not doing well. Still survived the preliminary and written exams. Moving towards that dream of becoming a police officer, let's see what happens. Although I am in the village, I sometimes go to Dhaka, the oral exam is scheduled to start on May 11, then I have to go.
It is known that Quader was arrested on July 15, 2011 by Khilgaon police station. He was accused of planning a robbery, and was tortured in police custody. After Quader's arrest, students of Dhaka University erupted in protest. When the incident came to notice, the High Court also intervened. As a result, this student was released. Action was also taken against those police officers. Kader now lives in a village house in Burichong, Kumilsna.
When asked whether the torturer OC Helal Uddin communicates or not, Kader laughs and says that when such an incident happens in someone's life, everyone communicates. His men came around, offering to drop the case. Tell them, I did the case on the orders of the court. When asked whether there is any plan for the OC as a subordinate officer after becoming the police chief, Kader said, "I don't have anything like that in mind." Thinking about the oral exam now. Everything can't stop because of an accident. His eyes are now on the future.