The Dhaka Times
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Kamaruzzaman's execution: All preparations are done, now only hanging is waiting

The Dhaka Times Desk All preparations for the execution of Jamaat-e-Islami Senior Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman have been completed and now only the execution is waiting.

Now just wait

Last Friday night, Jamaat-e-Islami Senior Assistant Secretary General Muhammad Kamaruzzaman completed all preparations for execution, but it was finally postponed. However, today the order of the Ministry of Home Affairs has reached the prison authorities. Relatives have also already reached the central jail. So it looks like the execution will be carried out anytime today.

One issue was the execution time. And that is an apology to the President. He also informed that. He will not apologize to the President. So legally there is no more hurdle. Jail authorities were only waiting for the executive order of the Ministry of Home Affairs, which has also reached them. Kamaruzzaman's death warrant has already been read out.

A wide security zone has already been established around the Dhaka Central Jail. Security has been beefed up in various parts of the capital. Based on the latest news, it appears that the prison authorities will execute Kamaruzzaman any time today.

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