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No need for antivirus on Android phones!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even if everything is like a computer, there is no need for antivirus on Android phones! This is what Android operating system maker Google has claimed.

anti-virus for Android phone

Worried about computer viruses, many people install various antiviruses on their Android smartphones. In this case, various antiviruses are available in the Google Play Store. But there is no need to install antivirus on Android smartphones - that's what Android operating system manufacturer Google has claimed.

According to media sources, Adrian Ludwig, chief engineer of Google's Android division, said that Google itself is always scanning for malware. In all, less than one percent of Android phones were found to have malware issues.

In an interview with The Register, Ludwig also said, 'Antivirus eats up your phone's space and battery. Antivirus is no longer useful in Android.' He said, 'Every Android device is scanned by Google itself once every week. So no antivirus is needed for this.'

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