The Dhaka Times
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The weapon of IS now chicken bomb!

The Dhaka Times Desk The terrorist organization IS has adopted a new strategy of terror. The weapon of IS now chicken bomb!

IS arms Hen

The terrorist organization IS has adopted a new strategy of terror. The weapon of IS now chicken bomb! The trick to detonating an enemy base by strapping explosives to a chicken's back has basically been revealed.

According to media reports, jihadists of the Islamic State are resorting to chickens to attack enemy camps. According to an international media report, terrorist organizations recently posted photos of explosive vests on the backs of pet chickens on social media pages. The picture shows armed chickens. After that, those militants are taking initiative to deliver it to the enemy base.

And in this way chicken bombs are inserted into the enemy base and detonated with the help of remote controlled detonators. According to the experts, it is understood by looking at the pictures that these weapons of IS militants are signs of the tension of terrorism.

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