The Dhaka Times
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Mother's death 3 months after the birth of a child!

The Dhaka Times Desk 3 months after the death of the mother, the child was born! This unusual event happened in Milan, Italy. Everyone is shocked by such news.


According to the news media, this unusual incident that happened in Milan, Italy has recently become the news of the media. However, this mother who gave birth was clinically dead for 3 months. He was kept alive on life support. He was admitted to the hospital 3 months ago with brain hemorrhage. She was six months pregnant at that time.

He suffered brain death while being treated at the hospital and was declared brought dead by the doctors. However, the doctors kept him alive with life support as other parts of the body were fine. News Times of India Online.

The child was recently born through surgery. The doctors said, 'This incident is a joy for us. But we feel sorry for this woman's family.'

It should be noted that earlier in 1993 such an incident took place in California, USA. At that time, a woman was shot dead by the robbers. She was 17 weeks pregnant at the time. Doctors saved the child at that time.

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