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Emotional status of Obama and Zuckerberg in support of Muslim teenager Ahmed!

The Dhaka Times Desk Obama and Facebook CEO Zuckerberg shared an emotional status in support of Muslim teenager Kishore Ahmed, who was falsely accused of making a bomb. The issue has created a stir in the tech world.

Ahmed, Obama and Zuckerberg

It is known that US President Barack Obama and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have given status in support of Muslim Kishore Ahmed, who was arrested on the wrong charge of making a bomb after making a watch himself in Texas, and taking it to school.

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In the status, Mark Zuckerberg wrote, You may have seen the news, Ahmed, a 14-year-old student in Texas, was arrested after he made a clock and took it to school.

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Mark Zuckerberg said, 'Why arrest him when he should be praised for his willingness and ability to innovate. Our future depends on people like Ahmed. Ahmed, if you ever want to come on Facebook, I'll welcome you. Keep making something new.'

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Just like this, not only Mark Zuckerberg supported Muslim teenager Ahmed, but US President Barack Obama also tweeted in support of Ahmed. He talks about keeping Ahmed's watch in the White House.

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