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Physical problems that can be caused by Wi-Fi

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us use Wi-Fi at home. But we are completely unaware of the physical problems that Wi-Fi can cause. Find out what problems can occur.


Many of us use Wi-Fi technology. But we know nothing about its harmful side. If we know the harmful aspects of Wi-Fi, we can follow some rules. In that case, the amount of damage will be reduced. Because if the matter is not known, several health problems may arise for the users - said the experts. The reason is that many of us have to live in the radiation of Wi-Fi in the office or at home.


Experts say, the harmful radiation of Wi-Fi technology is harmful to the human body. Radiation can have the greatest impact on children in particular. Radiation emitted from modems or routers in the house is gradually polluting the air in the house. Let's find out what kind of physical harm this Wi-Fi radiation can do to us.


Drowsiness may occur

Experts say that people who are exposed to Wi-Fi radiation most of the day may have insomnia. So it is necessary to turn off Wi-Fi while sleeping.

Children or pregnant women

Children or pregnant women need to be extremely aware of Wi-Fi. Its radiation can have terrible effects on pregnant women. This Wi-Fi is also very dangerous for children. So if there are small children at home, Wi-Fi technology must be avoided.

Brain power may decrease

According to experts, brain power can decrease due to Wi-Fi radiation. For example, Wi-Fi can have serious effects on school children. And in the case of adults, the lack of mental connection is much more.

Energy level and Wi-Fi radiation

Wi-Fi radiation has been shown to have significantly lower energy levels, especially in women who are exposed to Wi-Fi radiation.

Cell growth may be disturbed

This Wi-Fi radiation can inhibit cell growth. However, mobile phone radiation is equally harmful. Therefore, experts suggest that the use of technology should be reduced as much as possible.

Unusual headache

Abnormal headaches can be caused by this Wi-Fi radiation. The reason is that it is very normal to have a headache when exposed to excessive radiation. At first it may not be much understood, but later the level of headache can increase a lot.


Experts say that this Wi-Fi affects men the most. Not only sperm but also DNA is affected. Due to which male fertility can decrease.

Heart rate may increase

Wi-Fi radiation can have harmful effects on heart rate. Due to this, heart rate may increase in many people. Experts have opined that the effect can be more if the heart is weak.

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