The Dhaka Times
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Married in the hospital bed!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a thing has never been heard. This time just such a story happened. A person got married while lying in bed while being treated in the hospital due to incurable lung disease!

Wedding hospital bed

One of his goals, before leaving the world to get married! But that happened in the ICU of the hospital. Even then, lying in the hospital bed, he has become a centerpiece of the wedding ceremony!

According to media reports, 49-year-old Jubal Kirby has been suffering from a complex lung disease called pulmonary fibrosis for a long time. Three weeks ago, he was admitted to a hospital in North Carolina (Carolinas Medical Center) in the United States. Despite treatment, there was no improvement. Realizing that his life is running out fast, Jubal married Colin Kerby, with whom he had been living without marriage for 26 years, while undergoing treatment in the hospital.

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It is known that Colin married Jubal in the hospital last week. The wedding had to be done so quickly that their twenty-year-old daughter Kayla could not even attend the wedding! However, there were many hospital doctors, nurses and staff in that wedding. Colin-Jubal's relatives and journalists! References:

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