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The discovery of earthquake-proof bed-house! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A new discovery has been reported among various discoveries. This time earthquake proof bed was invented. Even if the house collapses in an earthquake, the small bed-house can be quite safe!

Earthquake-proof bed in house

Earthquake is a major natural disaster. The Chinese inventor Wu Wenshi said about the invention of a bed that will save from this disaster.

The earthquake-proof bed invented by Wu Wenshi promises to keep Ji Cao safe. Even if the house collapses in an earthquake, you can still be very safe in the small bed-house.

When an earthquake strikes, these bed springs, invented by Wu Wenshi, will spring into action, according to a report in The Telegraph. You will then be taken to a protected area, which is more like a small room. You can sit there and wait until the rescuers get you to safety!

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According to the news, Wu Wenshi designed such a bed in 2010. But he did not reveal it for so long. Recently, a graphic video of this has been spread on social media including YouTube, which has created quite a stir.

In the video, it can be seen that there is a place under the bed with food, water, canned food and other essentials, which will help to keep you alive in this small metal coffin. As long as no rescuers find you, you can stay safe there!

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While talking to reporters, Wu Wenshi previously said, 'The earthquakes in Wenxian and Yochu caused heavy casualties. So I think about something very important. I will invent something that can reduce the loss of life.'

It should be noted that this type of bed-house made of brick-concrete is also suitable for low-rise buildings or bungalow houses, this inventor of China, Wu Wenshi.

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