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Stephen Hawking as a villain in Jaguar advertising! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk It is impossible to find a person who does not know Stephen Hawking. He is a world renowned scientist. He came to the attention of the world with special speeches. That Hawking is now seen as a villain in Jaguar's advertisement!

Stephen Hawking's Jaguar advertised as a villain

Humans are using Stephen Hawking's research and knowledge to unravel the mysteries of the universe. But since he was unable to walk or speak normally, no one thought of him playing the role of a villain in any scene. But recently he made the impossible possible in a Jaguar car commercial.

According to a report in Hindustan Times, the world-renowned physicist told Yard magazine a few days ago that his ideal role would be to play a villain in a James Bond movie. However, even though it was not possible to act in that film, he responded by playing a similar role in a Jaguar commercial.

Hawking said at the time, 'I think a wheelchair and a computer voice would suit the character very well.' Hawking got a chance to realize his dream through Jaguar advertising. This Jaguar ad portrays him as a British villain.

Note that this advertisement of Jaguar was directed by Oscar winner Tom Hooper. He previously produced several other British commercials.

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