The Dhaka Times
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IS Christian teenager for boyfriend!

The Dhaka Times Desk Those who follow Islam are members of IS. We have been hearing such words for so long. Moreover, the name of the organization is also the same. But this time, a Christian girl joined IS for a lover!

iss Christian girl for lover

Linda Wenzel is a cheerful German girl. How his behavior gradually changes after falling in love. Linda started learning Arabic and reading the Koran at the suggestion of a Muslim lover.

One day, he stole the money by forging his mother's bank documents and signature and bought a ticket to Istanbul. The purpose of one of them is to go to Syria via Istanbul.

Mother Catherine told Linda, going to a friend's house. So mother gave permission very easily. But suddenly one day, after finding a photocopy of a ticket to Turkey under the bed sheet at home, Catherine became suspicious. Reported everything to the police. And then the investigation revealed sensational information.

In the preliminary investigation, the police found out that Linda joined IS despite being a Christian. Her boyfriend has slowly brainwashed her. The intelligence officials believe that the boyfriend of the girl is a member of IS.

The police said it is no longer possible to bring Linda back home. They are trying to find out the identity of the Muslim youth.

But her mother Catherine had no idea that Linda, a cheerful and bubbly teenager, planned to join IS. Now he's just whining.

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