The Dhaka Times
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The monkey came to the hospital for treatment: run after the bandage!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although monkeys are animals, monkeys have the same intelligence as humans. Now a monkey gave that proof. After the foot was put forward for treatment, he was bandaged and returned to the forest.


One such incident made headlines in the news media. Anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. But an incident that happened in reality.

A hospital nurse has just reclined in a chair after an overnight shift. At such a time, he suddenly saw a monkey in the house and got scared.

At that time, seeing the sudden entry of monkeys into the hospital, panic spread among the patients. One fell out of bed in fear. But despite all this, the monkey has no idea. After looking around, he came directly to the nurse's room through the open door.

The nurses were shocked to see such a scene. Nurses spend time thinking about what to do. However, the nurses noticed why Hanuman is lifting his legs again and again? Suddenly one of them noticed his right leg. The skin is raised and blood is pouring out from the leg. After realizing this, a nurse with some courage walked towards him. He slowly saw his wound with his hand.

The nurse said to the media, "At this time, the monkey is sitting on the table like an obedient patient! I slowly applied medicine and bandaged his leg. After tying the bandage, the monkey slowly recovered from the ward and disappeared from the tree to the tree!

Recently, that monkey came to be treated at Chunchura Imambara Sadar Hospital in India! Discussions on the issue are going on throughout the hospital throughout the day on Sunday. The news also reached District Chief Health Officer Subhranshu Chakraborty. Appreciating the work of the nurse, he said, 'The good treatment given here, the feeling in the monkey worked!'

Vishal Santara, editor of an organization working on wildlife conservation in Nalikul, has experience treating Hanuman injured on the path. She said, 'A Hanuman in Kamarkundu practically leaned on me and allowed me to nurse.'

He also said, in this case, it is difficult to say what exactly caused the monkey to enter the hospital. He may have seen a monkey being treated in that hospital before and then recovering. And from that experience he came to the hospital.

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