The Dhaka Times
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Interview without taking the injured person to the hospital! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A journalist must take the human factor into account while gathering news. But it was seen that a journalist is interviewing the injured person without taking him to the hospital!

injured man and interview

This incident happened in the Central American country of El Salvador. A journalist there has done the opposite of humanity while collecting news. He began to interview a person injured in an accident without taking him to the hospital!

Another newspaper called the New Zealand Herald said that it is believed that the injured man died in the end!

According to media reports, part of the news aired on a country's TV channel called TVO Noticius was posted on social media.

It is seen that a person is lying on the road with serious injuries after being hit by a truck. At that time, the journalist present at the scene asked the injured person with a microphone in front of his face, what happened? The injured man's reply was, 'The truck hit me, I am injured.' The next question is, 'Did you see the truck coming?' 'No,' said the bewildered man, writhing in agony. The journalist's last question was, 'Where were you going?'

We hope to see journalism like never before.

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