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Beware of 'Free Wi-Fi Network'!

The Dhaka Times Desk You might be surprised to find 'Free Wi-Fi Network'. But beware! 'Free Wi-Fi Network' Can Bankrupt You!


One of the many words about 'free Wi-Fi network' is that it is better to be careful before losing everything - experts advise.

Wi-Fi is now an important part of smartphone culture. This includes the most attractive 'Free-Wi-Fi' facility. Currently, the 'Free Wi-Fi' zone is so much in demand that starting from railway stations, airports, many restaurants and even various service providers are now approaching it to attract customers. That is why it is possible to connect to these places for free 'Wi-Fi' without any password.

'Wi-Fi' is a virtual platform to use internet on mobile phone or laptop. Through this, it is possible to get internet connection without connecting any additional device or cable to mobile or laptop. It is even possible to share an internet connection with multiple people using 'Wi-Fi'.

Nowadays this 'Wi-Fi' connection is available for free in many places. But these 'free Wi-Fi' connections have no password, and even the routers are of very poor quality. That's why smartphones connected to 'Free Wi-Fi' can be hacked very easily. Even sending bank details to someone over a 'free Wi-Fi' network can easily be seen by a hacker.

A 'hotspot' machine is required for a 'Wi-Fi' network. Most of the time, these 'hotspot' machines have no anti-virus capabilities. Due to which the virus can enter the mobile or laptop connected to this 'hotspot'.

There are some viruses whose job is to extract all the information from inside the device and send it to the hacker. For a long time, public 'Wi-Fi' zones have been put up with various warning signs. So that smartphones or laptops are used carefully in this 'Wi-Fi' zone.

Most of the time we ignore these signboards. In a 'free Wi-Fi' zone, one can read the 'data communication' of a smartphone user or a laptop user.

But the most damaging thing can be if somehow hackers get hold of banking details like account number, debit card number, credit card number, PIN number in the mobile, in which case there is no way but to hit the head.

Therefore, experts advise not to connect mobile or laptop anywhere except the secured 'Wi-phone zone'.

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