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The island nation of Sao Tome has severed ties with Taiwan

The Dhaka Times Desk The African island nation of Sao Tome severed diplomatic ties with Taiwan to support the 'one China policy'.


In 1997, the African island nation of Sao Tome broke off diplomatic relations with China and established relations with Taiwan. After 19 years, welcoming the decision of Sao Tome, China believes that the island nation has returned to the right path of the 'One China Policy'.

On the other hand, condemning this decision, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan complained and said that the main reason for this decision was not being able to settle Sao Tomi's demand for a huge amount of money.

The main point of 'one China policy' is that there is only one country in the world called China, and Taiwan is an integral part of that country.

After Sao Tome's decision, the number of countries that have diplomatic relations with Taiwan has dropped to 21, making the country increasingly isolated.

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