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Aliens are trying to communicate with Earth!

The Dhaka Times Desk Aliens are called aliens. Although no actual sightings of aliens have been made, aliens are believed to exist. Aliens are trying to communicate with the world!


The idea of aliens has been strengthened by several radio signals coming from space. So do aliens really exist?

Researchers recently detected 6 radio signals coming from 3 billion light years away. Although these signals came from very far, 3 billion light years away. Is it from there that alien beings are trying to communicate with Earth through these signals? Such questions are also in the minds of researchers.

A group of researchers at Mac Grill University in Montreal, West Virginia, detected these radio waves using the Green Bank Telescope. These radio waves lasted only a few milliseconds.

Although the origin of these waves is unknown, it is believed that aliens are trying to communicate with Earth through them.

The researchers, led by Paul Scholz, said in their research paper published in 'The Astrophysical Journal', 'We detect 5 of the 6 signals with the Green Bank telescope (2 GHz frequency). The other is detected by the Arecibo Observatory (at 1.5 GHz frequency). A total of 17 signals were found about it. The previous 11 were also identified from the same location. The code name of that place is FRB 121102.

Scientists have called these signals FRB (FRB-fast radio bursts). However, scientists are still not entirely sure of the exact origin of this signal.

The known sample FRB 121102 is currently a unique object, the researchers said. Understanding the characterization of extraterrestrial FRB signals requires an understanding of fast A·tragalactic radio transients.
When 11 signals were previously detected, astronomers enlisted the help of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) for more intensive observations. But it's not yet clear whether Mac Grill researchers will seek help.

Would it be wise to communicate with aliens? Are there any animals smarter than us? There is no end to speculation about it.

In this regard, Stephen Hawking said, "We are playing a terrible game, essentially trying to communicate with them." This physicist thinks that if aliens know about or discover Earth, they will want to take it over. They will want to establish a permanent colony here.

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