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Today is the Holy Sabbath: a glorious day

For the Muslim community, this night is known as 'Lailatul Barat' i.e. the night of good luck

The Dhaka Times Desk Today is the holy Sabbath. A glorious Rajini. The night before the 14th day of the Hijri month of Shaban is observed by the world Muslim Ummah as Shaba Barat or auspicious night.

আজ পবিত্র শবে বরাত: মহিমান্বিত এক রজনী 1

Today (Thursday) is the night of the holy Sabbath. For the Muslim community, this night is known as 'Lailatul Barat' i.e. the night of good luck.

The devout Muslims of the world, including Bangladesh, will spend this holy day through Nafal Namaz, Qur'an recitation, Zikir-Azkar, Milad Mahfil, etc. in the hope of gaining the mercy and closeness of Almighty Allah.

On this glorious Rajni, Muslims around the world will pray for the happiness, peace and prosperity of the Muslim Ummah.

On the occasion of Holy Shabbat, the President. Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in their separate messages have prayed for the continuous progress of the country, welfare and greater unity of the Muslim Ummah, in addition to seeking the endless mercy and blessings of the Almighty God on the holy Rajni.

Nafal prayers, recitation of the Holy Qur'an, waj mahfil and various worships will be held all night in mosques and homes. Muslims believe that in this glorious rajni, Almighty Allah determines the fate of people i.e. the 'Riziq' of the next year.

All mosques in the country including National Mosque Baitul Mukarrak will be open throughout the night on this holy night.

On the occasion of this holy Rajni, Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Betar and various private TV channels and radios will broadcast religious programs related to this. Meanwhile, special articles have been published in national dailies highlighting the significance of the day.

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