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The story of a gafur who became a millionaire by cultivating grass!

At one time, he did not have enough rice for three meals a day, now he has become the owner of nearly crores of rupees!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many will be surprised to see such a news. Because you can become a millionaire by cultivating grass? But it is really possible. There is nothing that man cannot do. As Gaibandhar Gafoor has shown.

ঘাস চাষ করে কোটিপতি হওয়া এক গফুরের গল্প! 1

Once he could not get three meals a day by working on other people's land, now he has become the owner of nearly crores of rupees there. The name of this person who succeeded through tireless work is Abdul Ghafoor Sheikh. Gafur's home is in the village of Sultanpur Garkaipara in Kishoregari union of Palashbari upazila of Gaibandhar. Cultivation of Napier grass has changed the life of poor Ghafoor.

Abdul Ghafoor told the media that out of the two and a half bigha land obtained by his ancestors, the family of six members was not able to grow crops on one and a half bigha land. So Abdul Gafur sold the land and gave money to a man to send his son Farooq abroad in 2003. But he was deceived. Later, working on other people's land, the family somehow survived with an income of 130 to 150 rupees per day.

About the year 2004. Abdul Ghafoor was also inspired to cultivate this grass after hearing about the versatile use of Napier grass from Dulu Mia of Palashbari. He then collected Napier grass seedlings and planted grass in five hundred places.

Gafur bought a cow with a loan of 7 thousand rupees from the local association. The cow then gives birth to a calf. Later, when that grass grows, the gafur starts feeding the cow. Due to which cow's milk also increases. Gafur gets money by selling grass. He started getting a lot of money. With that money Gafur started cultivating grass by leasing the land.

ঘাস চাষ করে কোটিপতি হওয়া এক গফুরের গল্প! 2

He didn't have to stop after that. Currently, he is cultivating Napier grass on 20 bigha land. Out of this, 8 bighas were purchased and 12 bighas were leased. The production cost of one bigha of land is about ten thousand rupees. Monthly income is more than 100,000 rupees by selling grass every month excluding expenses!

Instead of thatched house, Ghafoor has built a semi-thatched house on the land of the 20th century. His farm has 22 milch cows of various improved breeds. Among them 8 cows are also giving milk. He is earning 2200 taka daily by selling that milk. He also has two plow driven machines to irrigate the grass land. Gafur reared poultry and goats again.

Apart from government electricity, the house has its own solar power, 2 motorcycles and 5 vans. There are 3 employees, their monthly salary is 9 thousand taka. Every day they cut grass from the land and sell it in different places of Palashbari, Dholbhanga, Dhaperhat, Matherhat and Gaibandha.

Not only Abdul Ghafoor, but about 100 farmers from a few villages around his house are cultivating Napier grass on 80 to 90 acres of land.

Abdul Ghafoor told the media, "My dream is to cultivate this grass on a large scale and become known internationally." So that many more can be inspired and change their fortunes by cultivating this grass.

But he also received national recognition. Abdul Ghafoor was awarded the Bangabandhu National Agriculture Award in 2014 for setting an example in agricultural development through commercial livestock and poultry farming. On December 13, 2014, Abdul Ghafoor received a certificate and a silver medal from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in Dhaka.

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