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Iraq-Saudi border opens after 27 years!

Saudi Arabia closed its border after cutting diplomatic ties with Iraq's former president Saddam Hussein after it invaded Kuwait.

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi Arabia and Iraq are planning to reopen the border closed by Iraq-Saudi Arabia in 1990 after 27 years.

দীর্ঘ ২৭ বছর পর খুলছে ইরাক-সৌদি সীমান্ত! 1

Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic ties with Kuwait after former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Saudi authorities have adopted plans to reopen the border after 27 years. The local media of Saudi Arabia published this news last Tuesday.

Saudi and Iraqi government officials also visited the border area last Monday. In the last 27 years, only one gate of the border was opened only on the occasion of Hajj.

Sohaib al-Rai, the governor of Iraq's southwestern province of Anbar, said the Iraqi government had deployed troops to protect the desert area. He reported significant progress in opening borders and improving relations.

Governor Sohaib Al-Rai also said that this is a good start for further cooperation between Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the future. The Saudi cabinet on Monday took a decision on joint trade with Iraq.

After 25 years, in 2015, the Sunni country opened its embassy in Baghdad, Saudi Arabia. In February of this year, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Adel al-Zubayr visited Baghdad and there were talks about opening the border.

It should be noted that no foreign minister of Saudi Arabia visited Baghdad in 27 long years after 1990. It was then decided that the two countries would try to improve their diplomatic relations in June. As a result, the border was planned to open.

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