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US research report: Women's drinking rate is higher than men!

Girls start drinking alcohol before boys

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a US research report, the rate of alcohol consumption in America is relatively higher for women than for men.

মার্কিন গবেষণা রিপোর্ট: পুরুষদের থেকে নারীদের মদ্যপানের হার বেশি! 1

Noting that the rate of alcohol consumption among women in America is relatively higher than that of men, the research report further states that girls start drinking alcohol before boys.

According to news media, this information was revealed in a survey conducted by the American research institute 'JAMA' on the trend of alcohol consumption on about 4 lakh people.

All of the people from whom the data was taken in this study were 18-year-olds and seniors from 2001 to 2002 and 2012 to 2013.

The survey revealed that most girls or teenagers start drinking alcohol in their mid-teens. On the other hand, studies show that teenagers usually start drinking after the age of 19. But in 2015 this picture was completely opposite. At that time, the rate of alcohol consumption was higher among boys.

Bridget Grant, a senior researcher at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and lead author of the study, said the study sought to determine how much alcohol consumption has increased over the past decade and what chronic diseases are associated with alcohol abuse.

The study also found that alcohol consumption is not limited to women, but rates are increasing among the elderly, ethnic minorities and the disadvantaged. America has more than other countries.

It should be noted that the 12-month study found that 57.9 percent of high-risk women, 40.6 percent of minorities, and 65.2 percent of seniors drank alcohol.

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