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Women beware of wearing excessive high heels!

The Dhaka Times Desk A pair of high heel shoes is an essential item of outfit for the modern well-dressed woman. As height is considered as one of the criteria of beauty, the demand for heels has also increased. But a recent study found that wearing high heels can cause long-term damage to the feet.


The College of Podiatry, UK A group of researchers have found that wearing high heels can seriously damage women's feet. Usually, women start to feel pain in their feet within an hour of wearing high heels. Feet due to wearing high heels rheumatism, Stress fractures including Leg nerves As a result of this, it may be necessary to perform an operation on the foot.

A third of women wear high heels only for fashion, mainly because it makes them look a little prettier. But as a result, they have no idea about the extent of damage they are suffering.

Usually, many people start to feel pain in their feet within 1 hour of wearing high heels. Wearing high heels for a long time can cause this pain to become chronic.


The study found that 281 TP3T women who danced in heels at a bar, party or cabaret danced with foot pain. And while returning home they return barefoot because their feet feel unbearable pain.

Doctors have said that wearing high heels while enhancing beauty can damage the feet. Wearing heels may give you a temporary height boost, but you may end up having to walk forever. Wearing high heels for a long time can lead to permanent pain in the ankles and knees, leading to osteoarthritis.


Walking in heels is more likely to injure feet, ankles and toes. Repeatedly these 'micro injuries' put a lot of stress on the soles, ankles, toes and knees. Wearing high heels puts the foot in 'plantar flexion'. That is, as the feet are raised from the ground, both the ankles and knees are slightly bent. If the foot is bent or flexed like this from wearing high heels for years, it can cause bone rubbing, pain and osteoporosis.


Foot structure is very important and interesting in human body. Feet balance the entire body. That balance is easily thrown off by wearing high heels. Regular wearing of high heels can dislocate the spine. Increases nerve pressure in legs and spine. As a result, some parts of the body may become completely immobile and paralyzed at some point. The root of the ankle is shortened. Wearing high heels puts extra stress on the entire body on the ankles. The nerves and skin of the ankle turn yellow and hard. Bruises are formed on the soft part of the bottom of the finger. High heels can permanently compress and deform your toes.


If you want your health, avoid wearing extra high heels now because without physical health, beauty will be elusive. So be careful with high heels.

Source: Zee News.

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