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Discover new ways to cure cancer!

Through genetic processes, the patient's own immune system is made stronger to fight cancer cells

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to the research of the researchers on the deadly cancer. Although they have researched for a long time and reported the discovery of a vaccine, there is still no fully effective drug. This time, the discovery of a new method to cure cancer has been reported.

মারণব্যাধি ক্যান্সার সারানোর নতুন পদ্ধতি আবিষ্কার! 1

The inventor of this new method is 44-year-old Dimas Padilla from Florida, USA. This young man, a representative of a company, had been suffering from throat cancer for several years. After the first post-operative therapy, tests show that the cancer cells have been destroyed. But after two years, the deadly disease returned again. He had to be operated again. After the therapy again, he was found to be free from the disease. After a year, the tumor reappeared. The doctors confirmed that the cancer cells were not completely destroyed from his body.

One day, Padilla met Frederick Lockie, a specialist at Tampa's Moffitt Cancer Center. He confides his troubles to Loki. Loki then told him that he had been researching Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy (CAR T-Cell Therapy for short) for a long time. It involves making the patient's own immune system stronger to fight cancer cells through a genetic process. He collected T-cells from Padilla's blood. The scientists then inserted the novel gene into those cells. That is why the cells have developed such a power that they can attack the special protein of cancer cells and absorb it very easily.

These cells are then re-infused into Padilla's blood. The result is truly unimaginable. Within two weeks, his tumor had completely disappeared. Almost 18 months have passed since then. No tumor came back in his body. All his physical complications have disappeared. He is walking around in a divinely healthy body. He began to believe that he was cured of cancer.

Doctors reported that more than half of the 101 patients who participated in the study were already completely free of cancer. The US Food and Drug Administration has agreed to approve this treatment method, known as gene therapy, after seeing its success rate. However, like other treatment methods, it also has some side effects, experts said.

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