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Existence of unidentified flying object in the sky of Mars [VIDEO]

The Dhaka Times Desk Unidentified flying object In other words, many claim to have seen unidentified flying objects or UFOs from Earth. However, no one has been able to provide reliable proof of this yet. Many believe that UFOs exist. recently, Mars A UFO sighting is believed to have appeared in the sky. That being said, the spaceship Curiosity Evidence of the existence of UFOs may have been found.


Curiosity It landed on Mars on August 6 last year. Over the past year, Curiosity has sent back tons of information that has made it possible to better understand Mars. The spacecraft has revealed many unknown facts, through which it is possible to know Mars anew.

Recently, an image of the Martian sky sent by Curiosity sparked new discussions. The picture shows something flying in the Martian sky. No one can say for sure what that thing might be. Many think it could actually be a UFO.

In an earlier incident, images of a rat-like creature between two rocks on Mars were found in images sent by Curiosity. Many believe that it is part of a secret research conducted by NASA. Many researchers also think that the picture is fake.

Speculating on what the object might actually be, let's take a look at the video of the object:

References: The Tech Journal

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