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Physiotherapy treatment of back pain or low back pain

The Dhaka Times Desk It is rare that a person never experiences back pain in their entire life. If the position of the waist is not correct while moving or moving, the back pain occurs. This pain is caused by aging changes in the cartilage or disc between the bones below the spine. Along with this change in cartilage, there is a change in sensitivity down the spine. Usually this change starts from the age of 30 and in most cases the disease has no symptoms. However, the symptoms of the disease also increase with age.


Because: Back pain is usually caused by sprained or partially torn ligaments, disc problems between two vertebrae, misalignment of the vertebrae. Movement is caused by lifestyle, too much weight or weight bearing, excessive movement of the spine, continuous sitting or standing work, any injury to the spine, above all the positional error of the waist. Other causes include age-related degeneration of the spine, osteoarthritis or gout, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, spinal nerve problems, tumors, cancer, bone tuberculosis, lumbar muscle problems, various visceral diseases or infections, various gynecological problems, spinal vascular problems, malnutrition. Problems, fat or excess weight etc.

Symptoms: back pain Initially the pain is mild and gradually increases. In most cases, the pain is slightly reduced if you lie down. The pain increases with the slightest movement of the waist. Cramping or stiffness in the back muscles. Left on one side due to pain. Pain increases during routine activities such as praying, taking a bath in warm water, walking etc. Sometimes the pain radiates down the leg and there is a dull or tingling sensation. Leg weakness or foot drop may also occur.
Physiotherapy treatment: First, the expert physiotherapist finds out the origin and current condition of the disease by doing some manual tests and radiological tests according to the type of disease. Then accordingly —

* First rest and use a waist belt or lumbar corset and some medications such as pain killers, muscle relaxants and some multivitamins.
* Bring pain control with some postural massage, mobilization, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques and manipulation.
* Also according to the type of pain some electrotherapy and cryotherapy are used.
* Overall cures the patient within seven days to one month without any side effects and surgery.

Suggestion: In case of back pain, consult a specialist physiotherapist, get proper treatment advice, exercise according to the rules taught and stay healthy.

# Dr Ripon Kumar Ghosh
Clinical Physiotherapist
National Disability Development Foundation
Ministry of Social Welfare
Specialized in Pain Management
Mob: 01712-650667

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