The Dhaka Times
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Happy demanded to do Rubel's DNA test

The Dhaka Times Desk The Rubel-Happy issue has created a stir in the entertainment world of Bangladesh for the past one week. Happy's forensic report has already been released. Although there was evidence of rape, there was no evidence of who did it. So this time, Happy demanded to do Rubel's DNA test.

claims DNA tests

Meanwhile, the investigation officer of the case filed at Mirpur police station is on leave and it has not been disclosed yet. However, various news media have already published extensive news for and against. However, it is said that the forensic report may be released on December 28. The popular film actress Happy has expressed her anger in such a situation. He said that the media is publishing the news without any judicial analysis. Happy urged the media to investigate and publish news based on accurate facts.

Happy told the media, 'For two days I had a hard time controlling my anger'. Forensic reports are being published as usual. Which is not at all desirable to the media. The copy of my forensic report was officially handed over to the Mirpur Thana Police on Wednesday afternoon. After that Mirpur police station will conduct their activities. In reality, the opposite is seen.' "It seems that some media is running the proceedings," Happy fumed.

Happy left a question to everyone and said, 'My question is, is it reasonable to publish a fabricated report on such a sensitive issue? "Recently there have been reports that there has been no physical relationship." When asked about this, Happy excitedly told the media, 'Look, the latest incident happened on December 2. But I filed a case on December 13.'

In this regard, Happy also said, 'Usually after 48 hours, the issue of physical contact does not show up much in the forensic report. However, it has been confirmed to me that there is information in the report that there was physical contact with one person. But it cannot be said with whom it happened without DNA test.

And so Happy said, 'Now Rubel's DNA test needs to be done', so he will file a petition in the court soon. Only then will the real truth be revealed. Because I have no lie. That must be proof.'

It is to be noted that on the evening of December 13, model and actress Nazneen Akhter Happy filed a rape case against national team cricketer Rubel Hossain at Mirpur Model Police Station. Happy was taken to the victim center on the same day and after various tests were conducted in the forensic department of Dhaka Medical College Hospital. After the case, the audio record of the conversation on the mobile phone has been released and various interesting news have been published. Recently, the Dhaka Medicare College released the forensic report of physical intercourse at the hospital. But it has been given to Mirpur police station.

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