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IS militants fight by eating tablets!

The Dhaka Times Desk The common people are in extreme fear as terrorist activities are spreading day by day all over the world. IS is doing these terrorist activities. The news is that IS militants fight by eating tablets!

ISO militants fought tablet

Everyone is surprised by the news in the media. Because according to the news, IS militants in Syria are awake 24 hours a day by taking some kind of tablet. It is believed that taking these highly addictive tablets enables the jihadists to carry out indiscriminate killings without any regard for justice. Experts suspect so.

These facts were highlighted in a recent report published in the Washington Post of the United States. It is said that the name of that tablet is Captagan. This tablet is manufactured in Syria. The tablet is found all over the Middle East.

ISO militants fought tablet-2

The published report also says that billions of dollars in the sale of these tablets go to the black market in war-torn Syria. Jihadi fighters are buying new weapons with this money, so they can keep these wars alive!

According to the news, this powerful drug named captagan starts working very quickly. By eating it, Syrian fighters can fight 24 hours a day and night without sleeping and resting. Apart from serious brain damage, this drug also has several side effects, doctors said.

A Lebanese who took the addictive tablets said, 'You can't even close your eyes if you take this drug, far from sleeping!' In a BBC documentary, another person who took the tablet said, 'This tablet is so addictive that once you take it, you can't stop taking it!' The person also said, 'It will feel like you are on top of the world. No one else has the power you have.'

Western experts believe Islamic State fighters use the drug in large quantities, the BBC reported. It is also widely used in Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that 40,000 to 50,000 people are treated for this addiction in Saudi Arabia every year. Then the source of this drug became Syria. This drug is being smuggled from Syria to various countries in the Middle East including Europe.

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