The Dhaka Times
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BREAKING NEWS: Fire breaks out in Banani due to gas leakage

The Dhaka Times Desk Another incident of gas leakage has occurred in the capital. This time there was a fire in Banani late at night. A fire broke out in the building on the 6th floor of Road No. 23 in Banani.

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A fire broke out in a residential building at Banani in the capital Dhaka around 2 am. Local residents blamed leakage of gas line for the incident.

Several people were injured in the incident around 2 am on Thursday. According to media reports, 3 of them have been admitted to a hospital in Gulshan.

One of the injured was burnt, the rest were injured while getting down in a hurry, sources from Banani police station informed the media.

The fire service control room said that a fire broke out in the 6th floor building of Banani 23 road at around 2 am. When the fire spread from the 3rd to the 6th floor of the house, the residents of those flats went up to the roof in panic and got trapped there. Later, at least 25 people were brought down from the roof. Several people were injured while rushing there. The injured were sent to the hospital.

15 units of fire service brought the fire under control around 3:30. Fire Service Director (Operation) Major AKM Shakeel Newaz told reporters, 'The cause of the fire will be known after the investigation. Leakage of the gas line under the building was found.

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