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How much torture will continue on Muslims in Myanmar?

Rohingya Muslims are demanding justice.

Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are being subjected to indescribable torture day after day! The country's border guards (Nasaka), the military and the Rakhines continue to persecute Muslims in Arakan and other states of the country. The Myanmar government is reluctant to provide even the minimum civil rights to Rohingya Muslims in that country.


History shows that the Rakhine community once had an independent territory and state in Myanmar. Arakan is one of the first Muslim settlements in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. The Rohingyas are the descendants of the Arakanese Muslims. Once an independent Muslim state was established in Arakan. Since 1660, since the time of Arakan king Thanthudhamma, the Muslims of Myanmar have been subjected to indescribable cruel and inhuman oppression. Meanwhile, after the independence of Burma in 1937, planned communal riots by Buddhists became widespread and they killed about 3 million Muslims.

After Burma gained independence in 1948, this torture continued. On the contrary, in 1982, the Myanmar government officially canceled the citizenship of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. They are called "residents" instead of citizens in that country, where Rohingya Muslims are not officially recognized with any basic rights, including voting rights, constitutional and social rights.

arakani rohinga A Muslim Rohingya victim of torture

In the meantime, since 2012, the government of Myanmar and the Rakhine community there have once again started the Muslim killing yajna with a similar announcement. The government of that country tried to hide the communal attacks behind the recent riots by naming them as Buddhist-Muslim ethnic riots. Myanmar is dominated by Buddhists, so the country's media is controlled by Buddhists. As a result, accurate information about torture and oppression of Muslims or Rohingyas is not disseminated there.

How indifferent the Myanmar government is to the Rohingya Muslims can be seen in a recent incident. Cyclone Mahasen left the coast of Bangladesh and hit the Arakan state of Myanmar, as a result of which several Rohingya Muslims went missing in a boat sinking there, 31 of their bodies were washed ashore in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. According to Bangladesh police sources, the dead bodies are Myanmar citizens, Myanmar papers and currency were found in their pockets. The BGB of Bangladesh repeatedly called the Nasaka forces of Myanmar to take the bodies, but they did not give any response. As a result, the body was buried in Bangladesh.

বিচার দাবী করছে রোহিঙ্গা মুসলমানরা।   Rohingya Muslims are demanding justice

History says that Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar are not a nation that came and settled. They are staying there by their original domicile. Then why this oppression on them. What crime are they being killed indiscriminately? Being expelled from their own country and territory.

Other human rights organizations, including the United Nations, are silent on the Rohingya issue for unknown reasons. Nobel laureate leader 'Aung Sang Suu Kyi' is silent in that country, how much torture will continue on Muslims in Myanmar?

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