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Keep Your Android Phone Safe From Trojan Virus/Malware [Tips]

Virus attacks on Android phones have increased recently. It is known that about 1 million Android devices are infected with viruses every year. As Android is an open source operating system, the risk of being infected with malware, Trojans is constantly increasing. Some tips on how to keep your Android device free from these are discussed in this report.


1) Warning on downloading from Google Play:
Google Play for app download The price is a little high for Android lovers. However, there are many apps that hide malware or Trojan viruses. So before downloading any apps, it is better to check the ratings and user reviews of those apps. Avoid downloading apps that have poor ratings and user reviews.


2) Install security apps:
Security apps to keep your Android virus free
Maybe one of the best ways. Google Play Store from you easily Avast, AVG, Kaspersky You can download antivirus. Most antiviruses made for Android are completely free.

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3) Update your Android OS operating system:
Google's Android team is constantly working to improve Android security. To that end, the Android team regularly updates the OS
Leave the market. Many malware cannot infect new updated OS. So you also update from old OS quickly.

4) Turn off auto download:
Many apps may try to download on your Android, you may fail to download them at times. It can't be done. Most of such apps contain Trojan viruses. To remove it, turn off unknown sources on your Android. To do this, go to Security Options from Settings.


5) Turn off auto wifi connection:
With auto wifi connection on your smartphone can easily access any public wifi zone without your permission! So turn off auto connect, hotspot vpn service to check if the wifi zone you want to access is safe


6) Stop receiving unknown messages:
Two-step verification pin for unknown incoming messages on your Android phone
use Unrecognized messages have been found to contain malware that activates after you open the message. Or the message may contain a link that, if clicked, increases the risk of a virus attack on your Android phone.


7) Stop Spam Ads:
Sometimes some ads appear on the home screen of your Android phone, which can be spam ads! Malware/virus can enter from these spam ads. Beware of clicking on spam ads.
Google Play Store from Lookout Ad Network Detector Download it. Scan and block spam ads, be safe!

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